Category LRNT 522

George Veletsianos – A reason to smile, a reason to research and a reason to be free.

A Reason To Smile Something I  could not help smile about is George’s response to the question asking him to make a prediction about the future of education technology. He says there is no way to hold people accountable when… Continue Reading →

Experimenting wth Social Learning Theory

For an upcoming assignment I am looking at social learning theory. At its core the theory is about how we learn in community and how we perceive  one another in a community and then align our behaviours and actions with… Continue Reading →

Reflection (Again)

I have been a vicarious learner in the Digital Pedagogy Lab through watching the hashtag on my twitter feed and tapping into the parts of the conference that are public and I have been able to access a few of… Continue Reading →

Do I have Beliefs? (1/2)

Since reading Grant and Osanloo’s article (2014) about building the framework for dissertation research and that the first step towards building research is knowing our own beliefs I have had a slow burn existential crisis and mild panic. The panic… Continue Reading →

Care as Theory Finding out via Twitter

Twitter is the network I have continued to engage with the most since formulating our digital learning plans with Dr. Elizabeth Childs in MALAT. In a messy fashion I keep inserting myself into academic twitter truly tone deaf and awkward…. Continue Reading →

Research Questions – Grounded in Theory

A good research question is exemplified through its explicit grounding in theory and “should embody recognizable aspects of the theoretical framework and articulate the theoretical framework in a manner by which is can be further explored by your dissertation research”… Continue Reading →

The Power of Reflection in Learning

I cannot help but be impressed with how powerful guided reflection is in supporting learning. I have been incredibly lucky to work closely with a mentor, Dr. Carrie Nolan who embodies experiential learning. She has guided my teaching practice towards… Continue Reading →

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