Category LRNT 525

Final Reflection 525

My thinking has shifted quite a bit from the outset of this course in how I relate to and understand my organization. What I attempted to do with this learning opportunity was actually act differently in my organization and take… Continue Reading →

Change from a systems perspective

Last summer I was hired to design an online foundations arts first year program for a college which had only taught online courses as part of the covid emergency pivot response. The faculty had never used an LMS before and… Continue Reading →

Capturing Innovative Change

Capturing Innovative Change   This interpretation of successful change initiatives at Coast Mountain College (CMTN) comes from my experience, interviewing colleagues and considering the literature, revealing that successful changes at CMTN have emerged from small scale innovations that eventually integrated… Continue Reading →

Digital Technology Leadership: moving out of emergency mode and towards care of community

This reflection considers how the decisive actions and choices faculty made when they moved to online emergency teaching in response to Covid-19 required leadership but those choices have continued beyond the timeline they were meant for. The Covid-19 pandemic has… Continue Reading →

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