Writing emails that are audience centred, clear and concise helps us create and maintain professional relationships. The purpose of this page is to help business students communicate clearly with their instructors using email.

Here is a quick reference you can use to help you formulate your own emails to instructors while in the business program at CMTN.

Email Request Examples

Request for an Extension
Subject: Extension Request Course Name
Hello (instructor name)

I am requesting an extension on assignment XXXX. Can I please have an extension until (insert new requested due date here)?

Thank for your consideration,
(Your Name)
(Student number)
(course you are in)
Request for clarification on assignment
Hello (instructor name)

I need to have some clarification about (insert assignment number or name here).
(Insert question about the assignment here.)
Thank you,
(your name)
(your student number)
(course you are in)
Request for Brightspace Access
Subject: Brightspace Access Request Course Name
Hello (instructor name)

I have recently registered in (course name) which is an (online or in class) course. I do not have Brightspace for this course. Can you please help me with accessing this?
Thank you
(your name)
(your student number)
(course you are in)
Request for appointment
Subject: Appointment Request Course Name
Hello (instructor name)

I would like to request some time to go over (subject of the appointment). I am available for videoconference appointment (provide three suggestions of times and dates here) or in person (provide a day and time here).
I look forward to hearing from you.
(student name)
(course you are in)
Request for Grades Review
Subject: Grades Review Request Course name
Hello (instructor name)

I am requesting you review the grade for (insert assignment number or name here). I did not receive my grade on this yet and I understand you have completed grading the class work.
Thank you
(your name)
(your student number)
(course you are in)


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