I have been a vicarious learner in the Digital Pedagogy Lab through watching the hashtag on my twitter feed and tapping into the parts of the conference that are public and I have been able to access a few of the opportunities without “registering”. (Note to self – find opportunities that will  increase your book and professional development allowance to attend this one next year).
This morning I was watching a keynote by Matthew R. Morris which was interesting in a few ways, his empathy towards educators and our common concern about our future, the toll of the pandemic on educators and our communities, how to keep the power dynamics between student and teachers in mind and mitigated but the mic drop comment for me starts at 7:08 when he talks about the power of reflection to his own practice and how he considers reflection.
I share this here so I can come back to this when my own reflective practice wanes and I can be reminded about the importance of it for my overall practice and my intention of centring students.  I am in little danger of lecturing my students and being the “sage on the stage” at this point in my teaching journey. That is well behind me, if it ever existed. The experiences I curate do run the danger of centring myself and overlooking the experiences of my students and this keynote is a good reminder about the power of reflective practice to align my teaching practice to my values.

Morris, R. Michael. (2021) Keynote Q and A with Matthew R. Morris. Digital Pedagogy Lab 2021. 
